Monday, March 5, 2012

dont let homemade cleaners and soaps scare you

Green or not ? Making your own laundry soap can save you an average of 12-16 cents per load which might not be much BUT it adds up and the best part is i have a HE washer and dryer and it wont hurt my machine because it doesn't make a lot of suds so works well with less water :) There is so much going on these days and as the boys get older we will have even more commitments. As for now our home is not 100% GREEN but we are taking small steps at a time to get there or at least closer to it.  My laundry soap recipe we use is very simple and i do two batches about every two months if that! t took me 10-15 minutes to make. So it was not a big chunk of time at all which is a BIG deal to me :)  
Laundry soap:
  1. 1/2 cup Washing Soda
  2. one cup of shredded Ivory soap bar, or a bar of Fels Naptha
  3. 1/2 cup of Borax

Mix them together and your done use 1Tablespoon for small loads and 2 Tablespoons for large loads.  A cheaper alternative to fabric softener is to add 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

a couple more tips:
1. Most air fresheners use chemicals to cover oder a easy and cheaper way to get your kitchen to smell better is to grab a cute dish and add some Cinnamon sticks or freshly ground coffee it smells great and NO chemicals.
2.  For cooking oders just grab a pot and simmer 1 Tablespoon of vinegar with 1 cup of water while cooking and you wont have that lingering smell after cooking !
3.  Do you hate those lingering onion , pepper or fish smells on your utensils or pot and cutting boards easy fix wipe them with vinegar and than wash them with soap and water ta DA !!! icky smell gone.
4. Although i love when my kids draw me pictures i DO NOT like those pretty pictures on my wall, but i love how easy they come off if its pen, pencil, markers or crayons just add a little bit of baking soda to a damp sponge and gently wipe off wall.  Please give them a try and let me know how they work for you ...